Ever wondered what being a full-time college student is like? Picture this: a boat-load of schoolwork, a job or extracurricular commitments, and balancing a social life. The rumor is true, though — college students can find flexibility in their schedules. In high school, you were probably told that the only Calculus class available was at 9:00 am; in college, you will have ten sections, each at different times and days. This freedom can be reassuring, making it easier to plan and arrange demands, but it can also become your greatest nemesis. Time management means everything to the three students I interviewed, despite coming from varying disciplines and colleges across the country. See a glimpse of a day in their life below, and take this as a guide to help sort out your future in college.
Ana Maria Bohorquez
University of Southern California | Major: Architecture, Minor in Real Estate Finance; Senior – College Student Life
6:15 AM The most dreadful moment of the day. Snooze for five minutes, and then I’m up and running.
6:30 AM Get up, stretch, and change into workout clothes.
7:15 AM Drive to Soul Cycle in West Hollywood — my go-to spot. Morning cardio sets the pace for my day and keeps my energy in check.
8:40 AM Shower at home and get ready for a busy school day.
9:30 AM I usually try to get ahead on assignments or wrap up any pending tasks during this time.
11:00 AM Early lunch to recharge and clean up the kitchen before my roommate gets home. Fresh salad with protein is a staple weekday meal.
12:15 PM Head to studio on campus. As an architecture major, I have a love-hate relationship with this mandatory requirement every semester. In the past, I’ve studied housing and community studios. Now, I’m focusing on immigration and refugees from the Mexican border to the U.S. Since studio requires me to create a meticulous, in-depth design process for unique topics, I invest most of my academic energy in the course — summing up to 10 hours of class weekly.
1:00-6:00 PM Back-to-back classes. I try to sneak a snack in between. Energy bars keep me alert.
6:30 PM Back home — leaving enough time to cook dinner, clean up, and do homework.
10:30 PM Bedtime. My warm, decaffeinated tea helps me wind down and relieve stress.
Cristina Palop
New York University | Major: Fashion Business and Marketing; Senior– College Student Life
7:45 AM – After 25 minutes of snoozing, I finally find the energy and incentive to wake up.
8:00 AM Shower, change, and stop to get coffee near FiDi, my neighborhood.
9:15 AM I leave my apartment and head to work in Chelsea on the metro.
9:30 AM Start my work shift. As a PR intern at Purple, I do returns until 11 am, which is usually my most relaxed moment of the day.
11:30 AM At this point, I get in tune with my creative side and start working on clippings, as well as monthly reports.
12:00 AM I email stylists about looks and availability starting at noon.
1:30 PM During my one-hour break, I grab lunch with fellow interns. Our favorite spots are Just Salad and the deli tucked around the corner (the bacon egg and cheese is game-changing!).
2:30 PM When I’m back in the office, I do send-outs, which essentially requires me to move around the city or office and fulfill certain tasks.
5:30 PM I clock out of the office and head towards NYU for class. I always take a 30-minute stroll — no matter the weather conditions.
6:20 PM My “Laughing Animal” class begins. This is a required course about comedy in the Renaissance (and surprisingly not about animals).
9:00 PM Return home. On warm days, Citi Bikes are my best friends, but in the winter season, I’m stuck with plan B: the subway.
9:20 PM Cook dinner and simultaneously do homework or clippings for work.
11:30 PM I fall asleep while watching Schitt’s Creek — my favorite show on Netflix.
Lauryn Bausley
University of Miami| Major: Biochemistry and Nutrition, Minors in Psychology and Chemistry; Senior– College Student Life
7:15 AM Wake up and roll out of bed to eat my overnight rolled oats (pun intended).
7:45 AM Work as a Resident Assistant (RA) at the office of Undergraduate Admissions and Housing & Residential Life until noon. I typically have a one-hour break to eat lunch.
1:00 PM Attend class.
2:15 PM Sit outside under Miami’s scorching sun and make use of the extra time to start homework with friends. The best months to do this are November to February; don’t even think about sitting out there in August.
3:30 PM Attend my second class of the day.
5:00 PM Another break before my 6:00 pm class. Snack cravings kick in right about now.
6:00 PM Last class until 7:15 pm.
7:45 PM I do my best to squeeze in a workout. I always go to the UM gym, mainly out of convenience.
8:45 PM Dinner with my roommate. You’ll find me eating Trader Joe’s 99% of the time.
11:00 PM My bedtime depends on how hectic my week is, but I try to unwind before midnight.