Tips every college student should know- College without a doubt is a challenge. There are ups and downs, positives and negatives thoughts and much to learn . There are several tips every college student should know that can go a long way and make your college experience go much smoother and fun.

10 tips every college student should know

Dont forget you are not the only one in this same sateg of your life.

There are more than one figuring out how to be productive, how to stay organized, what works the best, what’s okay and what’s not okay during this process to college so, don’t hesitate to ask and most importantly do NOT hesitate to learn.


canva plantillas herramientas

TIP #1:Keep calm if you don’t know what you want to be

It can be very stressful when you don’t know what you want to be. Even more if everyone around you already know and they are easily making decisions on their careers, don’t feel pressured it’s normal not being sure exactly what you want to be in your future.

Take your time! A gap year is always an option. Explore around, volunteer, and don’t be afraid to ask.

TIP #2: Talk with your parents about budget

If your parents are helping you pay for some of your college expenses –Tips every college student should know- makes sure to have a serious converaation with them, be very clear of your expectation and ask them with how much they can help you. It’s important to bring to the table topics such: University Tuition, College life ( living, food, transportation and extras that you have to keep in mind )

Try to make financial arrangements between your parents and you. Find out exactly what expenses they plan to cover and which ones they willl not, let them know how you can help them, they will appreciate your good intentions to help.

Do you need professional support in preparing for your studies?

Planning services include high school curriculum planning, referrals for psychological testing, guided research on careers and majors, building college lists, and campus visit advice.

Tip #3: Use a planner

Tips every college student should know- And this one may be the key to stay organize in college; is using a planner.

Write everything on your planner and make sure to check it constantly , use stickers , colors for specidic tasks or assignment that you can easily recognized. This is an important tip every college student should know, we promised you never gonna miss so.

Canva estetica diseño

TIP #4: Usa plantillas, pero dale tu toque:

Lo mejor de Canva es las plantillas tan variadas que ofrece, pero la idea no es que la uses tal cual, sino que la uses como base y que le des el toque de tu marca: colores, tipografía y filtros. Usar las plantillas tal cual como canva las presenta te hace correr el riesgo de que ptra marca haga lo mismo y termines teniendo diseños repetidos ¡lo peor! No hay nada mejor que ser original. Utiliza las plantillas para optimizar, pero no olvides que copiar no es lo más recomendado, ¡usa tus ideas!

How to study – The Foundation of My Study Plan

Usa flechas, ondas, alternativas con movimiento… esto va a evitar que tus diseños sean planos. Por ejemplo, en un carrusel de Instagram, usa flechas para indicar rotar de imagen, o en los stories de Instagram con swipe up usa flechas con movimiento para indicar a los usuarios que lo hagan: son detalles, pero van a hacer que tus diseños sean más atractivos, no aburras a los espectadores.

Do you need professional support in preparing for your studies?

Planning services include high school curriculum planning, referrals for psychological testing, guided research on careers and majors, building college lists, and campus visit advice.