College Planning Services
Freshman Service
9th Grade + Summer Programs
Early evaluation and guidance can be very helpful and necessary for many students who are not sure about high school social and curricular choices. We can work closely with parents and students to map out a rigorous plan that will lay the foundation for academic success and appropriate college preparation. We offer regular support meetings with students and families during the school year and will guide students to appropriate summer enrichment activities.

College Planning Services
Sophomore Service
10th Grade + Summer Programs
Although students often think earnestly about college plans as they approach senior year, many begin to worry about courses, grades and testing as they enter more fully into high school life in 10th grade. We are ready and able to help them chart a course that will make them feel informed and self-assured. As they begin early testing programs, our team will guide them regularly with suggestions that create better test results and more self-confidence. In addition, we help them find enriching summer activities or additional summer courses.

College Planning Services
Junior Service
11th Grade + Summer Programs
It is usual for students to begin to feel the pressure of college selection and admission in the junior year of high school. Even if they have not sought help earlier, we assist them in making the most of their remaining time in high school. We meet with each student to sort out their talents, preferences, abilities and needs so that they can find colleges and universities that meet their expectations. We guide them in honest personal assessment and help them see where they can improve their admission portfolio of courses, grades, testing and co-curricular activities. Additionally, we guide students in choosing summer academic, personal growth or volunteer experiences that will add to their university success.

College Planning Services
Senior Service
12th Grade + Summer Programs
While it is desirable to start college planning before senior year, many students do not feel any urgency until they are faced with the daunting prospect of choosing colleges and universities and gaining admission to them. When college guidance becomes urgent, our team’s many years of experience support a swift and focused response. We work to maximize each student’s advantages, no matter how much he or she has achieved or struggled in high school. Our goal is to sort through any confusion and assist each family with the journey to success. We help students find the best matches for their interests and qualifications, guide them through the application process, including essay writing, and provide them the tools to make sound decisions. This is an intense year, and the right support can make all the difference.

College Planning Services
Junior + Senior Service
11th -12th + Summer Program
An ideal balance of service and cost, our program spanning the last two years of high school gives students appropriate time and guidance for the best outcomes with minimum stress. Our counselors are ready to work with high school juniors to choose courses, improve skills, learn about colleges and assess their wants and needs. In addition, we review grades and testing results and offer options for improvement if necessary. We assist with finding summer experiences, including internships, academic courses and volunteer opportunities. Additionally, students benefit by building a college list and arranging focused college visits well before their senior year. As they begin the last year, students will have created a comprehensive plan to use their remaining high school year to concentrate on completing applications, writing personal statements and preparing for interviews. Our team will assist them in strategy regarding early decision and early action applications and in making wise decisions throughout the process..