About Juan Camilo Tamayo  | MBA

Higher Education Consultant & Founder | MBA

Juan-Camilo Tamayo has assisted thousands of students in reaching their educational goals. With a twenty-nine-year career in higher education, he has extensive experience guiding families through the process of choosing and applying to colleges and universities in the United States and abroad.

Born in Medellin, Colombia, Juan-Camilo moved to New York City in 1991 to study English. He then transferred to Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa, where he earned a BA in Communications in 1995. After graduation, he worked in the admissions office at Clarke University, coordinating international recruitment. He later pursued a degree in Business, completing it in 1998. In 1999, Juan-Camilo joined Lynn University’s admissions office in Boca Raton, Florida, and earned a Master’s degree in International Business. At JCT4Education he has continued to touch the world and future having reached forty-nine countries since its founding on August 4, 2011.

 Juan-Camilo has traveled and recruited in 89 countries, leading several recruiting tours worldwide, including Africa, the Caribbean, Central Asia, Europe, and Latin America. He has also travelled extensively in the Middle East and is familiar with a wide variety of colleges and universities from around the world. Throughout his career, he has built lasting relationships with higher education colleagues, organizations, students, parents, and high school counselors, reinforcing his ability to provide the best guidance possible.

 Since 2023, Juan-Camilo has served on the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) board for a three-year term. From 2014 to 2017, he was Vice President of Government Relations for the International Association for College Admission Counseling (International-ACAC), connecting with education colleagues worldwide. In 2010, he received the CIS T. Michael Maybury Award for significant contributions to university admission and recruitment.

 Juan-Camilo’s philosophy is rooted in his personal journey. He believes in the power of partnership, understanding that students and parents must work together to find the best path to higher education. This path should foster student growth and bring family satisfaction. He recognizes the importance of nurturing independence in young people pursuing education, a journey he himself undertook. He understands that success requires preparation and goal setting, guiding families through this process with expertise and empathy.