Frequently Asked Questions
How much can my student improve?
- Student improvement is only limited by their ability to consistently study. Our tutoring service will help direct their energy to be the most efficient and effective when test-taking. Some students’ scores grow very fast, and others slowly. As long as student effort is consistent and following the tutor-directed homework, improvements can be expected.
- Tutors will work with students to set realistic score goals and to manage expectations at every step of the process. Keep in mind, the higher we are aiming to push the score, the more effort it takes.
What tutoring services do you offer?
- 1 on 1 tutoring is $115 per hour with a minimum purchase of 12 hours.
- Inquire at <> if your community or school is interested in group courses or workshops.
How do I start?
- Email <> and let us know when you would like to get started.
- We will send you an intake form where you fill out your contact information, provide student availability, and pay for the initial 12-hour package.
- Once we receive your form, you will be matched with a tutor, introduced, and you’ll be able to book them.
Partners in Education